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Holland America Line selects ServiceNow for Enterprise IT Se / travel

Holland America Line selects ServiceNow for Enterprise IT Se

Holland America Line is using ServiceNow to help consolidate IT systems and automate enterprise operations to expedite IT service delivery, reduce manual tasks and associated costs.

Supporting more than 15 ships visiting 350 ports around the globe, Holland America Line required an efficient and flexible service automation platform that would help the organisation reduce manual work and improve compliance visibility while meeting the unique needs of the business. Moving away from an on-premise system, Holland America Line considered a more traditional IT service management (ITSM) tool before selecting ServiceNow.
“We researched several products and observed how many of our peers in the Seattle area were using ServiceNow to successfully transform IT operations and their businesses,” said Karen Holmes, director of Enterprise Solutions, Holland America Line. “With ServiceNow, we now have a full-featured service automation platform that will help our IT organisation improve service delivery to the business while reducing manual tasks, disparate systems and unnecessary costs. This is critical as we continually work to deliver excellence through every aspect of the Holland America Line customer experience.”

Holland America Line selected ServiceNow for its ease of use and intuitive interface, configurable platform, graphical workflow engine and employee self-service portal. Holland America also selected the ServiceNow Discovery Application to support more proactive and informed service delivery and is used to scan each domain. ServiceNow Discovery met the challenge of the unique Holland America computing infrastructure that includes ships with intermittent, limited-bandwidth Internet connections.

Phase one of the implementation is complete and includes incident, problem and change management, service catalog and a self-service portal. Early success includes instant visibility for executives and service desk managers alike into actionable ITSM data that was not available through the previous tool. ServiceNow is also used to validate and manage change processes for all IT systems while automating compliance controls to save hours of time with auditors.

Source: http://www.breakingtravelnews.com/news/article/holland-america-line-selects-servicenow-for-enterprise-it-service-automatio/
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