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Air France to launch flights to Minneapolis and Kuala Lumpur / voyages

Air France to launch flights to Minneapolis and Kuala Lumpur
Air France is continuing the development of its international long-haul network with two new destinations in summer 2013: Minneapolis-St. Paul in Minnesota and Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia.

Flights from Paris Charles de Gaulle to both destinations will be easily accessible for UK passengers, with services from 8 departure points across the UK and Ireland providing seamless connections to Air France’s global network.

Minneapolis - St. Paul

From 21 May to 1 September 2013, Air France will operate seasonal flights to Minneapolis-St. Paul from Paris-Charles de Gaulle* airport. The route will be served by Airbus A340 with a schedule as follows:

AF 694:      Departs Paris-Charles de Gaulle 13:50 – Arrives Minneapolis-St. Paul 16:05
Source: http://www.breakingtravelnews.com/news/article/air-france-to-launch-flights-to-minneapolis-and-kuala-lumpur-summer-2013/
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